I don't hurt anymore.
Another reason to bury it deep away
beyond reach of hearts with any intentions, dark, or light.
Because no good can come from investing yourself into another human being.
Put your soul into words, into music, into philosophy. Not flesh.
Flesh will decay,
flesh will rot,
and with certainty flesh will deceive.
Including your own.
Especially your own.
You can't change your blood.
I've tried and tried.
Nella retrospettiva al MoMA a lei dedicata, documentata nel film "The Artist is Present" di Matthew Akers e Jeff Dupree, l'Abramović è restata per tre mesi, impassibile, seduta su una sedia mentre a turno i visitatori potevano accomodarsi su una sedia di fronte.Tra le persone che si sono sedute di fronte all'artista c'è stato anche il suo compagno storico, Ulay, che ha lavorato insieme a Marina dal 1976 all'89, separandosi da lei con una performance impegnativa: novanta giorni di camminata per dirsi addio sotto la grande muraglia cinese.
In retrospective at MoMA dedicated to her, documented in the film "The Artist is Present" by Matthew Akers and Jeff Dupree, the Abramović has remained for three months, impassive, sitting on a chair while in turn visitors could sit in a chair fronte.Tra people who are sitting in front of the artist, there was also her former lover, Ulay, who worked with Marina from 1976 to 89, with a performance by separating from her busy Ninety days walking to say goodbye under the great Wall of China.
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