Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Taxi Driver II

Will you be there for tomorrow she asked as a tear rolled down her face
Don't downplay the obvious the academy Is... against me!
And I can't escape the fate

And I now that she's fallen to an all time low
She gets in the cab so she can runaway
Maybe she'll go to boston or LA
Become a famous actress making April her new name

But the audition told her to go away
so she headed back to my favorite highway
driving down every avenue as the lights fade to grey

A story of the almost famous
Band-aids they call them, but she's no penny lane
And danger is my middle name

So she pulls into Anarbor
rolled down the maine strip
a billboard with a picture of the Marianas Trench
Reminds her of the rocket summer she left behind
Lesson learned time turned so what's there left to find?

She can't stop looking for a brand new something
In a town where boys like girls
There's no sound to be heard
were all aiming for cute but were all the lost causes
Well throw them a mayday parade in honor of their losses

so get in your cobra starship and get away from here
you would never shout never; still i know you're filled with fear
as you jet around this universe
that summer set your heart apart
the lack of atmosphere is not enough to cover up
And you find out you weren't as clever
you will be stuck here forever

The sickest kids in their fucked up scene
Just starving for a place to lean
Tonight, She'll do.

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