Sunday, September 19, 2010

They only had yellow.

One of these days we will cross paths

and I dont know what i will feel or say

and if your voice will captivate

me in the same way

like it always had before

like I said I shut the door

but lay bleeding on the floor

with an open window facing your watchful eye

knowing you wouldn't let me die

I couldnt let us die

I dragged your willing body with me

You gave me your hands to tie

you hate me rightfully

I was always moving but never changed

until I felt too far away

and fell back to you in escalated states

you drove me home, you drove me away

to your bed and other sins we faked.

When I see you will they rise from graves

will it hurt you or me or just the ones we played

I loved, but didnt know how to fully

Im not sorry he was the only one who could see through me

who stuck around until he knew me

I chose it, still he held the key

and now I live happily

ever after

with only passing thoughts

of the mystery that wasnt ours

of lives you lead

having nothing to do with me

Thursday, September 2, 2010


We all stopped writing
But now that I live just around the corner
I guess I don't need you to drive me home.
Honestly, I haven't thought about you in awhile.
It doesn't change anything.