Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cold and Sunny with a chance of Tommorow

I will always find you beautiful.
And you will always find me if you need to.
And we'll read between the lines because it's what we do.
There's nothing to prove We did that years ago
And it was real, and it was horrible, and it was the best thing
And we're smiling because it happened
And they may never feel that way
Lets be so vain, because we know that these songs are about us
and so it was written
in between the lines.

I could count all the bad things on the stars
but the point is
I'm looking up

Monday, April 6, 2009

Your tongue is the serpent, believe me I prey.

Bad decisions with the best intentions
Im getting out and you're getting far

Lets Make tonight last forever
Or at least a little longer...

This is wrong and we know it
but no one is showing it
I already know I'll get what I take

over or under it doesn't really matter
Im begging you to be my mistake

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Change My State or State of Mind

Whats in a dream but what we cant have

You had my heart and I have your regret

We hold on so tight but you still slip away

I’d believe you tonight if you told me to stay

My worst enemy is a friend to me a lover of time

My worst enemy is my memory holding on to you tight

And daylight it hides what night will reveal

Im not as strong as I look

Im not as weak as I feel

And I still don’t believe a single word you say